Friday, April 24, 2020

French Loose at Naval Thunder... Again

After having found  an old draft a previous naval game on my blog, I finished it up and posted the game on our gaming group's Facebook page.  Seeing the post, Stu asked when we were running our next naval game.  As it turns out, it was this weekend.

John and Stu measure the distance between

Derrik ponders on the British fleet.  From left to right, Robby's squadron, Derrek's squadron and Stu's squadron.
John Plotting his ship movements

Stu happily clutches the SSD of the French Battleship Richelieu after inflicting a magazine explosion on the Red Eminence.  Robby is less than impressed in the background. 

Stu holds up the SSDs of Richelieu and Strasbourg after having sunk the ships.

Andy claims the only French victory of the day - the battleship Alsace sinking the heavy cruiser HMS London.  Andy's glee is a function of scoring a kill as well as seeing the French get royally clobbered.